About Roger Lacey Lodge
Roger Lacey Lodge No. 722 F. & A.M. was Chartered on October 29, 1958. It was Constituted on December 6, 1958.
Many of the original charter members of our lodge were members of Solomon's Lodge No. 1 in Savannah. History informs us that at the time of forming Roger Lacey Lodge the membership of Solomon's was booming and attendance at regular meetings were overwhelming the size of the lodge. Many members seeking an opportunity to enter into the chairs of the lodge and seeing a very long wait because of the size and evolvement of membership, agreed to form a new Lodge. Thus the birth of Roger Lacey Lodge No. 722.
Roger Lacey Lodge and Solomon's Lodge continue to practice identical ancient work and rituals. These two lodges are the only lodges that practice the ancient work in the same manner. Other lodges that practice the ancient work have developed their own style and wording throughout the years creating differences from lodge to lodge.
In only about 40 years Roger Lacey Lodge has grown to 181 proud members. The history of our lodge is short, but can really be dated back to the formation of Solomon's Lodge No. 1 in 1735.
General James Edward Oglethorpe, founder of Georgia, was the organizer and first Master of the Lodge. In December, 1735, the Lodge was enrolled on the register of the Grand Lodge of England and was known as "the Lodge at Savannah in Ye Province of Georgia".
In 1736, Roger Hugh Lacey arrived in Savannah with a Deputation from the Grand Master of Masons in England to Constitute the Lodge at Savannah of Georgia in America. This Lodge is now known as Solomon's Lodge No. 1, Savannah. (It was the second regularly constituted Lodge in North America and is now the oldest continuously operating Lodge in the Western Hemisphere.) It continued as a subordinate Lodge of the Grand Lodge of England until it and other Lodges created and proclaimed the new and sovereign Grand Lodge of Georgia, F. & A.M., on December 16, 1786.